Hi, I’m Alicja!

I have graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven (2020) and Non-Linear Narrative Masters at the Royal Academy of Arts in Den Haag (2023). I’m specialising in editorial and graphic design with a strong affinity for cultural research and multi-media projects.
I am dedicated to creating visual narratives by seeing the extraordinary in the seemingly banal and mundane, like in my project Mundane anxiety, where I created an animation portraying emotions from the perspective of personified objects.
I’m also a photography enthusiast who enjoys doing field research, interviewing people, and seeing structures in seemingly complicated realities, like the projet In Between, depicting the cultural and aesthetic significance of allotment gardens. Whereas Mohair Berets project shows my fascination with subcultures, where I focus on the impacts of cultural, political, and social phenomena, which are often the starting points in my design work. Feel free to contact me here and check out the other projects below.

alicja konkol 2023