I have graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven (2020) and Master Non-Linear Narrative at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague (2023). I am currently based the Hague, although originally I come from Poland, from where I often take inspiration for my projects. I’m specilising in editorial and graphic design with a strong affinity for cultural reasearch.

I’m dedicated to producing images, however recently I developed a new fascination for making animated movies. I create visual narratives by seeing the extraordinary in the seemingly banal and mundane, like in my graduation project Mundane anxiety, where I portray reality from a different perspective and discover my fascination for animation.

I’m  a photography enthusiast who enjoys doing field research, interviewing people and seeing structures in the seemingly complicated realities, like in my second graduation project In Between. Depicting the cultural and aesthetic significance of allotment gardens and their impact on society.

I’m fascinated by subcultures which you can see in the Mohair Berets, where I research  cultural and social phenomena and translate it into a design-activist project. I aim to highlight the importance and meanings of culture that are often starting points in my design work.

In my work, I find it important to raise awareness, showing the broader implications of social phenomena, j
ust like in the Defeneders of the cross. I like juxtaposing  multiple media like typography and textile design or simply creating playful graphic compositions like in the  Letraset project. If you’re interested feel free to contact me here

alicja konkol 2023